Monday, September 27, 2010
Planting Seeds
Any reliable seed house can be depended upon for good seeds, but even then there is a great risk in seeds. A seed may to all appearances be all right and yet not within the vitality enough, or power, to produce a hardy plant. If you save seeds from your plants you are able to choose carefully. Suppose you are saving seed of Aster plants. What should you decide to blossom? Now it's not just the blossom, you should consider, but the entire plant. Why? Because a weak, wild plant can produce a very narrow. Looking at that one blossom so really beautiful you think of the many beautiful plants you have here is from the seeds. But just as often as not the seeds will produce plants like the parent plant. Thus in seed selection the entire plant should be considered. Is it tough, strong, well shaped and symmetrical and has a large number of beautiful flowers? These are questions in the bud selection. If you happen to be in the seed's an opportunity to visit the garden, you will see a flower here and there with a rope around. These are blossoms chosen for seed. If you look at the whole plant with care you will be able points which the gardener held in mind when he saw his work of selection. In seed selection size is another point to keep in mind. Now we know no way to tell something about the plants from which this special collection of seeds came. So we should all think about the seeds themselves. It is clear that some choices, some are much larger than the others, some much fuller, too. By all means choosing the largest and most complete seed. The reason is this: If you break open a bean and this is very clear, even in the peanut you see what looks like a small plant. So it is. Under the right conditions for the development of the 'little guy' grows into the bean plant you know so well. This little plant must depend for its early growth on food stored in the two halves of the bean seed. For this purpose, the food is stored. Beans are not full of food and goodness for you and me to eat, but for the little baby bean plant to feed. And so if we choose a large seed, we opted for a larger quantity of food for the plant. This small plant that feeds on stored food until its roots are prepared to do their work. So if the seed is small and thin, the first food supply insufficient, there is a possibility of losing the plant. You may care to the name of this pantry of food to discover. It is called a cotyledon when only a portion, if two cotyledons. So we helped the classification of plants. A few plants that bear cones like the pines have several cotyledons. But most plants have one or two cotyledons. From large seeds come the strongest plantlets. That is why it is better and safer to choose the large seed. It is exactly the case as that of weak children. Often there is another problem in seeds that we buy. The problem is impurity. Seeds are sometimes mixed with other seeds so like them suggest that it is impossible to detect the fraud. Pretty bad state of affairs is not it? The seeds may be unclean. Bits of foreign matter in with large seeds are easy to detect. It can only get on the seed and clean it. By clean is meant free from foreign particles. But if small seed are unclean, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to clean them. The third point to look in seed viability. We know from our tests that seeds which look for the eye to all law can not be developed at all. There are reasons. Seeds can be picked before they were ripe or mature they may have been frozen, and they may be too old. Seeds retain their viability or germ to develop strength, a number of years and are useless. There is a limit of viability in the years which differs for different seeds. The test of seeds we find the germination rate of seeds. Now, if this percentage is low, do not waste time planting such seed unless the small seed. Immediately you question that statement. Why has the size of the seed make a difference? This is the reason. When small seed is planted it is usually sown in drills. Most amateurs sprinkle the seed very thick. So a large quantity of seed is planted. And enough seed germinates and comes from such close planting. So the quantity is quality. But take the case of large seeds, like corn. Corn is as far apart and planted a few seeds in one place. With such a method of planting the case of percentage of germination is most important. Small seeds that germinate at fifty percent. can be used, but this is a low percentage. for the large seed. Suppose we test beans. The percentage is seventy. If a low-vitality seeds were planted, we could not completely sure of the seventy percent come. But if the seeds are lettuce to go with the planting.
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